Your key to a successful start!
Check your math, physic, chemistry and computer science skills now.
You get a direct evaluation and recommendations to refresh your knowledge with our e-learning offers.
Anonymous and free. Start now!

Test your math knowledge now

Test your physics knowledge now

Test your chemistry knowledge now

Computer Science
Test your computer science knowledge now

Physics course
Refresh your physics knowledge now

Chemistry Course
Refresh your chemistry knowledge now

Computer Science Course
Refresh your computer science knowledge now

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Get a certificate of attendance after completing a MINTFIT test or course.
New: The math certificate (basic knowledge II) can also be submitted as a part of the MINT-EC-certificate by MINT-interested pupils. So you get additional points for your successful participation!
What is MINTFIT?
MINTFIT offers online tests for math, physics, chemistry and computer science so that you can check your current level of knowledge. There are also e-learning offerings to help you fill any gaps. This is a great way to prepare for your studies—or for your Abitur exams. Anonymous and free of charge.
Start now!
MINT is an acronym in German that stands for the subjects Mathematik (math), Informatik (computer science), Naturwissenschaften (natural sciences), and Technik (technology). An equivalent acronym in English is STEM or science, technology, engineering, and math.
The MINTFIT test and learning materials were specially designed to support you in preparing for a degree program or training that includes a large STEM component.
The math tests helped me to identify the knowledge gaps I had before I started with my studies.
Felix, 22, 3rd semester mechanical engineering, TUHH
I use the MINTFIT physics course a lot to read up on and review specific topics.
Elif , 19, 1st semester mechatronics (dual), FH Aachen
The MINTFIT learning materials got me interested in studying a MINT subject.
Robin, 20, high-school graduate - is interested in industrial engineering
The MINTFIT math tests were a great way to help me prepare for my math Abitur!
Clara, 18, high-school graduate, HH
The MINTFIT online courses helped me to increase my understanding while I was at vocational school.
Bastian, 17, 2nd training year, electronics technician, Kassel