MINTFIT uses the OMB+ and viaMINT for math. These are e-learning courses created by our partners.
Do you want to brush up on your math skills? If so, then use the integrated learning platforms. After you complete the test, the links to OMB+ and viaMINT will be displayed on your dashboard. By clicking these links when you are finished with the math test, you have the possibility to create an account on the platform of your choice (or on both) and to have your learning recommendations transferred.
The Online Mathematics Bridge Course (OMB+) includes explanatory texts with lots of examples, interactive images, exercises, and tests so that you can be optimally prepared for your studies and the math courses you will be required to take.
Sign up for OMB+ on MINTFIT—after you complete the test, your learning recommendations will be automatically transferred.
OMB+ is made available by MINTFIT’s partner OMB+-Konsortium.
ThviaMINT offers thematic modules in which you learn with videos, exercises, and examples. Clear explanations, interactive learning, and immediate feedback make it easy for you to brush up on your math skills.
Sign up for viaMINT on MINTFIT (it isn’t necessary to complete a separate registration).
viaMINT is made available by MINTFIT’s partner HAW Hamburg.